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- Yuya Saito / 齋藤 裕也
- 1979: Born in Osaka, Japan
- 2003: Graduated from the Department of Photography, College of Art, Seian University of Art and Design, Japan
- Lives and works in Tokyo, Japan
- Prize
- 2003: 26th "New Cosmos of Photography" fine work prize(Martin Parr selection)
- Exhibitions
- 2006: THE EXPOSED of the art vol.1 PHOTOGRAPHS(CASO, Osaka)
- 2005: ART BEAT KYOTO 2005(ARTZONE, Kyoto)
- 2004: solo exhibition"Moratorium Requiem"(PUNCTUM Photo+Graphix Tokyo)
- 2003: "New Cosmos of Photography" Exhibition(Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography,Tokyo)
- 1979: 大阪府生まれ
- 2003: 成安造形大学造形学部デザイン科写真クラス卒業
- 2003: 作品「Moratorium Requiem」が第26回写真新世紀佳作受賞(Martin Parr選)
- 現在東京在住
- 主な展覧会:
- 2006: THE EXPOSED of the art vol.1 PHOTOGRAPHS(CASO・大阪)
- 2005: ART BEAT KYOTO 2005(ARTZONE・京都)
- 2004: Moratorium Requiem(PUNCTUM Photo+Graphix Tokyo・東京)
- 2003: 写真新世紀展(東京都写真美術館・東京)
- Copyright YUYA SAITO, All rights reserved.